Friday, June 6, 2008

Sherrie Levine is a soul-less monster

I don't know if this is common knowledge, but I hate Sherrie Levine. I do, however, like Andreas Serrano. So the best way I know to mock her is to copy him. A while back, I used the little Paint program that has always been included in Windows to make a digital drawing of a hammer (actually, I made several, and this isn't the best of them, but it would do). I was reading about Serrano recently and so I tried to apply the look of his Piss Christ photograph that became an icon of the 1980 culture wars to something and the hammer was just sitting there...... Serrano made a photograph that was entirely consistent with virtually any reading of Christianity, except for the superficial kind. He was culturally crucified for it, appropriately. Anyway, in the spirit of Sherrie Levine, the artistic anti-christ, I present to you "Piss Hammer."

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