Sunday, December 7, 2008

pretty much the end of semester

So the first semester is pretty much over. The guy who taught our photo seminar (Clifford Owens) leaves soon and the visiting student from the Royal College of Art in London is leavig this week. So there was a party Saturday night at a student's house. I finally left at 4:00 am. When I did, there were still people dancing and smoking pot and drinking. I was never invitd to smoke pot and I'm sure none of the folks in these photos were doing anything illegal. Here's some people (including Nozomi) dancing at about 3 am.

Dave, another first year in the photo program talks to one of last year's grads who now teaches at SAIC. Dave's on the left.

The omnisexual sculptor/performance artist Elise is on the left below trying to get lucky with her pal, Stephanie, a second year photo kid.

I'm on the right sporting the new glasses which replace the broken ones I had for the last few months. Karen, a brilliant woman with mental illness running in her family, is on the left.

Dave's sartorial splendor requires no explication.

Stephanie loves her photo being taken. Dave (background) loves everyone.

Clifford contemplates the current job market....

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