Saturday, July 12, 2008


So I tried to take better photos of the box things I've been making. Then I put some of them together as a slide show.

I'm calling them tree/houses, because of the branches and boxes, but they are more about the associations of the things assembled, probably. There are a few puns built in, like the chicken and the eggs, a boxer with just one arm, the printed "fragile" on one of the panels with a hole and a branch shoved through it, the candy like an offering to the art gods, etc.

The music is Kaki King.

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Defending your art

I'm trying to explain the boxes (in the last post) to some people. I can't find anything to point to that looks like these things, except that Richard Tuttle uses some of the same materials. And he's kind of a big deal. So rather than try to defend it, I will forthwith use the following statement: "Shut the f@*& up and enjoy my art."

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