Saturday, December 20, 2008

Color Crits

So Aimee's color class (in which I was the teaching assistant) ended the semester with final critiques. Here are some photos I took during the crits.

This girl is not responsible for the mess on the wall behind her. It belongs to a guy who hired a woman off craigslist to destroy all his photographs made over the last 3 years. He photographed her destroying them and then mounted them on canvas and beat the crap out of the canvases and stabbed them repeatedly.

That's Aimee standing.

One of the students, Blake, took pretty abstract photographs and mounted them on flickering television screens so they looked like stained glass.

This is Jamie, below. She was spending a semester here from Scotland. I wish I had taken pictures of some of her photos. She was, by far, the most talented member of the class. Beautiful photographs of a woman she met this semester and photographed all semester long.

Radika, below, was a huge surprise at the end. She made very poor work until the last day and then made a big leap. I was kind of proud of her.

If it's a crit, there has to be graveyard photos, right?

Jolie is pretty good with alternative processes.

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