Friday, May 16, 2008

Some of the brood

There was an old 4x5 negative in a box and it looked like a birthday party. I scanned it this morning and converted it in photoshop so I could see what it is. There are 8 kids here. I don't think I can identify more than one or two of them. I am not even sure all of them are my siblings, but Charlotte is looking at it and will help identify who's who. No idea why the one kid's head is shaved or what's up with the saddest looking birthday cake in the world. I guess that's what a cake looks like when you're chasing kids all day.

The word from Charlotte: the kids on the left are the oldest siblings in my family. The two or three on the right are cousins. The kid with the half shaved head is Martha, who got her haircut minutes before the photograph courtesy of Donnie, the oldest boy in the family and the angel second from the left. Martha doesn't seem to be too concerned about her new 'do.

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