Sunday, May 4, 2008

A hotel I wasn't staying at

Friday night, Jennifer, a photographer from Bryan who takes conceptual photographs about lots of stuff, including having C-sections (which she graphically describes by baking and photographing cakes with zippers and other stuff in them), came to town with her husband and daughter for a workshop with Scully and Osterman, the two people who may know more about antique photographic processes than anyone else in the world. HCP had a workshop for those with the cash to learn the process of making ambrotypes. Friday, I went to Jennifer's hotel to meet with her and her clan. Here's the lobby while I waited. Jenni's daughter, Zella, is about as cute as a kid gets.

The elevator area had a kind of a nice painting to make you think you were seeing a bit of Texas, even though it's the heart of the Galleria area of Houston. This may be typical of some portion of Texas, but it ain't Houston.

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