Friday, June 27, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008


The opening of the group show, "Sustenance," was last weekend. I missed it because I had to go to Chicago to try to find a place to live. But Kristy took a photo of the show as soon as she hung the banner, before it opened. The banner is a little floppy but apparently it laid out fine by the time the show opened. That's Kristy's cyanotype on the wall (it's her and her sister), next to it is (on top) Rachel's sock photo that I used as source material for the photo below it of the leg. Hopefully, Kristy will send more installation shots!

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

First Tuesday

Madeline at HCP gave me a going away present yesterday. It's a tee shirt. Here it is.

This is a reference to a question that a certain kind of annoying photographer asks each and every time there is a public critique at HCP (called First Tuesday - anyone can bring photographs and get a free critique from others who show up).

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